2 minute read


kubernetes common commands without so much typing


git clone https://github.com/javimox/kommands ~/.kube/kommands/


echo "source ~/.kube/kommands/.kommands" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc


echo "source ~/.kube/kommands/.kommands" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc


All the commands below accept as parameter a number or a name. Autocomplete is enabled for names.

kommands get and their kubectl equivalents

kgpo  : kubectl get pods
kgpvc : kubectl get pvc
kgsvc : kubectl get svc

kommands del

kdpo  : kubectl delete pod
kdpvc : kubectl delete pvc
kdsvc : kubectl delete svc

kommands apply:

kapp  -> kubectl apply -f

kommand describe:

kdesc -> kubectl describe

kommands logs:

klog  -> kubectl logs -f

kommand show containers
ksco : it returns the name of the containers that run in a specific pod.

kommand execute sh
kesh : it opens a shell in a specific pod/container.


get pods and their number

$ kgpo 
 0 NAME                 READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
 1 echo-pod-pvc         0/1     Pending            0          103m
 2 first-pod            1/1     Running            0          2d6h
 3 pod-two-containers   2/2     Running            0          83m

get pod number 3

$ kgpo 3
 0 NAME                 READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
 3 pod-two-containers   2/2     Running            0          84m

show containers of the pod number 3

$ ksco 3
 1 i-am-the-first-container-in-this-pod
 2 i-am-then-the-second-container

open a shell in a container of a pod using names

$ kesh pod-[TAB] [TAB]
i-am-the-first-container-in-this-pod  i-am-then-the-second-container

$ kesh pod-two-containers i-am-then-the-second-container
You are now in pod: pod-two-containers -c i-am-then-the-second-container
/ # 

open a shell in a container of a pod using numbers

pod number 3 , container number 2

$ kesh 3 2
You are now in pod: pod-two-containers -c i-am-then-the-second-container
/ # 

get persistent volume claims

$ kgpvc
 0 NAME          STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
 1 echo-cache2   Bound    pvc-49704fde-7d19-446c-b9f2-192e297e7f0a   1Gi        RWO            do-block-storage   111m
 2 pvc-1         Bound    pvc-4e902e87-0df7-4c3c-827c-a8c7cfd75fa5   1Gi        RWO            do-block-storage   93m

delete persistent volume claim using its number

$ kdpvc 2
do you want to remove pvc-1 (y/N)? y
persistentvolumeclaim "pvc-1" deleted

get services

$ kgsvc
 0 NAME                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
 1 echo-web-svc-nodeport   NodePort    <none>        8080:31777/TCP   112m
 2 kubernetes              ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP          2d6h
 3 test-app                ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP         113m

describe service number 3

$ kdesc svc 3
Name:              test-app
Namespace:         default
Labels:            name=test-app
Annotations:       Selector:  app=echo-app
Type:              ClusterIP
Port:              echo  8080/TCP
TargetPort:        8080/TCP
Endpoints:         <none>
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>

apply manifest

$ kapp pod-1.yaml
pod/first-pod created

show logs of the pod using numbers

pod number 2 , container number 2

$ klog 2 2
You are now showing logs of: pod-two-containers i-am-then-the-second-container
Fri Jun 26 23:00:04 UTC 2020
Fri Jun 26 23:00:05 UTC 2020
Fri Jun 26 23:00:06 UTC 2020
Fri Jun 26 23:00:07 UTC 2020

License: GPLv3
GitHub Repo: kommands
