Atlassian Jira Software

Jira is a tool used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management. It is developed and published by the australian software company Atlassian.


All commands below are Helm v3

$ helm repo add mox
$ helm repo update
$ helm install my-release mox/jira-software


This chart bootstraps a Jira Software deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

It is available on:


  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Helm 2.11+ or Helm 3.0-beta3+
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure (Only when persisting data)
  • At least 1GB Memory

Installing the Chart

To install the chart first you need to add this Helm repository:

$ helm repo add mox
$ helm repo update

To deploy it with the release name my-release run:

$ helm install my-release mox/jira-software

The command deploys Jira software on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm uninstall my-release

The command removes (almost) all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. See PostgreSQL enabled for more details.

Upgrading the Chart

To upgrade the my-release deployment when there was no PostgreSQL deployed just run:

$ helm upgrade my-release

Otherwise, see Upgrade Jira software with PostgreSQL enabled for more details.

PostgreSQL enabled

This chart deploys by default a bitnami PostgreSQL instance.

Install Jira software with PostgreSQL enabled

PostgreSQL Chart from bitnami generates a random password if we do not specify one. Random or not, keep the password safe because it will be needed when upgrading Jira.

To specify a password:

$ helm install my-release \
     --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=[POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD] \
     --set postgresql.replication.password=[REPLICATION_PASSWORD] # in case Replication is enabled \

Uninstall Jira software with PostgreSQL enabled

The Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) of postgres will NOT be automatically deleted. It needs to be removed manually:

$ kubectl delete pvc -l

Upgrade Jira software with PostgreSQL enabled

From bitnami/postgresql:

It’s necessary to specify the existing passwords while performing an upgrade to ensure the secrets are not updated with invalid randomly generated passwords.

We upgrade the my-release deployment by running:

$ helm upgrade my-release \
     --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=[POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD] \
     --set postgresql.replication.password=[REPLICATION_PASSWORD] # in case Replication is enabled


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Jira Software chart and their default values.

Global parameters

Parameter Description Default
global.postgresql.postgresqlPassword PostgreSQL admin password (overrides postgresql.postgresqlPassword) nil
global.postgresql.replicationPassword Replication user password (overrides postgresql.replication.password) nil

Common parameters

Parameter Description Default
nameOverride String to partially override jira-software.fullname (will prepend the release name) nil
fullnameOverride String to fully override jira-software.fullname nil

Jira parameters

Parameter Description Default
image.registry Jira Software Image registry
image.repository Jira Software Image name atlassian/jira-softwarer
image.tag Jira Software Image tag {TAG_NAME}
image.pullPolicy Jira Software Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Secrets to pull an image from a private Docker registry or repository {}
podSecurityContext.fsGroup All processes of the container are also part of this supplementary group ID 2001
caCerts.secret Secret that will be imported into the keystore using keytool nil
caCerts.storepass Keytool store password (storepass parameter) nil
caCertsEnv Any environment variable you would like to pass on to the OpenJDK init container nil
envVars Jira Software environment variables that will be injected in the ConfigMap {}
extraEnv Enable additional Jira container environment variables, passed as string nil


Jira Software requires a database. It can be either deployed as dependency using PostgreSQL subchart or configured a database connection to an external server. By default a PostgreSQL will be deployed and a user and a database will be created using the databaseConnection values.

Parameter Description Default
postgresql.enabled Whether to use the PostgreSQL chart true
postgresql.image.registry PostgreSQL image registry
postgresql.image.repository PostgreSQL image repository bitnami/postgresql
postgresql.image.tag PostgreSQL image tag 11
postgresql.image.pullPolicy PostgreSQL image pull policy IfNotPresent
postgresql.fullnameOverride String to fully override postgresql.fullname template with a string jira-software-db
postgresql.persistence.size PVC Storage Request for PostgreSQL volume 8Gi
postgresql.postgresqlPassword PostgreSQL user password random 10 character string
postgresql.initdbScriptsConfigMap ConfigMap with the initdb scripts (Note: Overrides initdbScripts), evaluated as template .Release.Name.db-helper-cm
postgresql.initdbScriptsSecret Secret with initdb scripts that contain sensitive information nil Hostname of the database server jira-software-db
databaseConnection.user Jira database user jirauser
databaseConnection.password Jira database password "CHANGEME" Secret name that contains the database connection password nil
databaseConnection.existingSecret.key Secret key of database connection password nil
databaseConnection.database Jira database name jiradb
databaseConnection.lang Encoding used for lc_ctype and lc_collate in case the database needs to be created C
databaseConnection.port Jira database server port 5432
databaseConnection.urlPrefix Jira JDBC Prefix URL jdbc:postgresql
databaseConnection.databaseDriver Jira Database driver org.postgresql.Driver
databaseConnection.type Jira database server type postgres72
databaseConnection.schemaName Database schema name (Note: it depends on the databaseConnection.type used) public
databaseDrop.enabled Enable database removal. See remove existing database false
databaseDrop.dropIt Confirm database removal if set to yes no

Deployment parameters

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Number of replicas for this deployment 1
securityContext Container security context options {}
hostAliases Host aliases that are added to the pods []
resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits Memory: 1Gi, CPU: 500m
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []
affinity Map of node/pod affinity labels {}
podAnnotations Map of annotations to add to the pods {}
extraVolumeMounts Additional volume mounts to add to the pods []
extraVolumes Additional volumes to add to the pods []
schedulerName Use an alternate scheduler, eg. stork ""
readinessProbe Readiness probe values {}
readinessProbe.httpGet.path Readiness probe HTTP GET request (Note: Jira handler is /status) nil
readinessProbe.httpGet.port Readiness probe port (Note: Jira listens on internal port 8080) nil
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Delay before readiness probe is initiated nil
readinessProbe.periodSeconds How often to perform the probe nil
readinessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded nil
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds When the probe times out nil
livenessProbe Liveness probe values {}
livenessProbe.httpGet.path Liveness probe HTTP GET request (Note: Jira handler is /status) nil
livenessProbe.httpGet.port Liveness probe port (Note: Jira listens on internal port 8080) nil
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Delay before liveness probe is initiated nil
livenessProbe.periodSeconds How often to perform the probe nil
livenessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded nil
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds When the probe times out nil
initContainerImages.jdk Image used in the init container when caCerts is enabled. Requires keytool adoptopenjdk:11-jdk-hotspot
initContainerImages.postgres Image used in the init container when postgresql is enabled. Requires pg_isready postgres:9.6.11-alpine

Persistence parameters

Parameter Description Default
persistence.enabled Enable persistence using PVC true
persistence.existingClaim Provide an existing PersistentVolumeClaim for Jira, evaluated as a template ""
persistence.accessModes PVC Access Mode for Jira Software volume ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size PVC Storage Request for Jira Software volume 10Gi
persistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class for Jira Software volume empty

RBAC parameters

Parameter Description Default
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created false
serviceAccount.annotations Map of service account annotations {} Name of existing service account ""

Exposure parameters

Parameter Description Default
service.type Kubernetes Service type ClusterIP
service.port Service HTTP port (Note: it must match with envVars.ATL_TOMCAT_PORT) 8080
service.httpsPort Service HTTPS port (Note: needs envVars.ATL_TOMCAT_SCHEME: https) empty
service.loadBalancer Kubernetes LoadBalancerIP to request empty
service.nodePorts.http Kubernetes http node port ""
service.nodePorts.https Kubernetes https node port ""
ingress.enabled Enable ingress controller resource false
ingress.annotations Map of ingress annotations {}
ingress.hosts[0].host JIra Software installation hostname jira-server.local
ingress.hosts[0].paths Path within the url structure []
ingress.tls TLS options []
ingress.tls[0].secretName TLS Secret (certificates) nil
ingress.tls[0].hosts[0] TLS hosts nil

Each parameter can be specified during the Chart installation as follow:

$ helm install my-release \
      --set"" \
      --set databaseConnection.user="test" \
      --set databaseConnection.password="testpass" \
      --set databaseConnection.database="jiradb" \
      --set databaseConnection.port="5432" \
      --set databaseConnection.urlPrefix="jdbc:postgresql" \
      --set databaseConnection.databaseDriver="org.postgresql.Driver" \
      --set databaseConnection.type="postgres72" \
      --set databaseConnection.schemaName="public" \

The above command sets the different parameters of the database connection.

Alternatively, a YAML file can be provided to override the default values.yaml. For example:

$ helm install my-release -f values-production.yaml mox/jira-software

Use existing secrets

The password of the database user needs to be specified two times. If an external database is used, only the second point is relevant.
If the database is deployed along with the chart, then both passwords have to match.

1. Deploy database

This chart deploys PostgreSQL. It will create databaseConnection.user and databaseConnection.database, thus databaseConnection.password will be set.

In this case, PostgreSQL chart Bitnami flavor provides the parameter initdbScriptsSecret, which can be used to change the default databaseConnection.password.

Example with password: test123

SQL Query that changes the default password for databaseConnection.user:

$ echo "ALTER USER jirauser WITH PASSWORD 'test123';" | base64 

Secret that uses the SQL Query:

$ cat alter-user-passwd.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: alter-user-passwd

Create the secret

$ kubectl apply -f alter-user-passwd.yaml

2. Connect to the database

This chart sets the required environment variables to configure the database connection (databaseConnection), avoiding the need to do so through the Jira installation.

The parameters and databaseConnection.existingSecret.key are required if an existing secret contains the password to connect to the database.
In this case, databaseConnection.password will be then ignored.

Example with password: test123


$ printf "test123" | base64

Secret that contains the password:

$ cat db-pw.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
  db-pw: "dGVzdDEyMw=="

Create the secret

$ kubectl apply -f db-pw.yaml

Install Chart using existing secrets

$ helm install my-release \
   --set postgresql.initdbScriptsSecret=alter-user-passwd \
   --set \
   --set databaseConnection.existingSecret.key=db-pw \

Remove existing database

It is possible to remove an existing Jira database while deploying. Useful if, e.g. we are installing this Chart in a CI environment.

Use with caution:

If databaseDrop.enabled is set to true and databaseDrop.dropIt is set to yes, then removes the database specified on databaseConnection.database, if it exists.

Difference between values and values-production

Chart Version 2.7.0 Chart Version 2.7.1

--- jira-software/values.yaml
+++ jira-software/values-production.yaml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 ## Kubernetes svc configuration
   ## For minikube, set this to NodePort, elsewhere use LoadBalancer
-  type: ClusterIP
+  type: NodePort
   ## Use serviceLoadBalancerIP to request a specific static IP, otherwise leave blank
   ## Avoid removing the http connector, as the Synchrony proxy health check, still requires HTTP
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
 ## ref:
-    memory: 1Gi
+    memory: 2Gi
     cpu: 500m
-#  limits:
-#    memory: 1Gi
+  limits:
+    memory: 2Gi
 ## Replication (without ReplicaSet)
 ## ref:
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
   fullnameOverride: jira-software-db
-    size: 8Gi
+    size: 20Gi
   ## postgres user password (needed when upgrading Chart)
   ## generate random 10 character alphanumeric string if left empty
@@ -301,12 +301,14 @@
 ## Environment Variables that will be injected in the ConfigMap
 ## Default values unless otherwise stated
-envVars: {}
   ## Memory / Heap Size (JVM_MINIMUM_MEMORY) Mandatory, see @Notes above
+  ## default: 1024m
   ## Memory / Heap Size (JVM_MAXIMUM_MEMORY) Mandatory, see @Notes above
+  ## default: 1024m
   ## The reserved code cache size of the JVM



  • After 17 releases of the Jira Software Chart it became stable enough to jump to v1.0
  • Recent changes:
    • Jira waits for postgres readiness (#e5a0861)
    • Add support to existing secrets


  • Support to change init container images in values